
Reform UK Havant

First, may I thank all those who helped the Reform UK General Election campaign, whether you be in Havant or across the UK. 

Without your support, we as a party would never have received our excellent performance with five elected MPs in Parliament.


I particularly would like to thank the Havant members who provided generous donations towards my campaign, and those you helped with frank and honest contributions. 

Many activists walked and drove many miles delivering our letters, flyers and boards.  Without all your help, we would have achieved little. 

Thank you so very much, I am grateful.

GE2015 This 2024 General Election draws many similarities with the 2015 General Election when then the Brexit issue was in the media, whereas here this issue was the collapse of the Conservative Party and their utter failure to deliver on manifesto commitments and promises. 

In both instances both UKIP and Reform UK had both great opportunities and expectations.

We see the LibDems and Greens maintaining their vote, but in 2024, we see the collapse of the Conservative Party vote.

GE2024What I had hoped for, in 2024, was that more of the collapse of the vote of the Conservative Party would have transferred to us than actually happened; instead it went to the Labour Party.  The 5% (3,500 voters) drop in turnout of the regular 63+% turnout may have been disillusioned Tory voters staying at home.  I fear the electorate will rue the day for 5 years of Hard Labour.

For a new political party to have received 23.6% when standing in Havant for our first General Election is a huge achievement, and the election of five Reform UK MPs this month can only increase our fortunes as a party in the future.

We should all be proud of what we have achieved from our efforts over the past 6–9 months.

Thank you all once again; we must now move forward to the next General Election which will be in or before July 2029.

Thank you

John Perry
Reform UK Havant

I've included links to my 2024 General Election Material below:

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