3. Honesty and Integrity

When I was a Havant Councillor, I signed up to the Seven Nolan Principles of Public Life, and these are principles that MPs should follow but sadly many MPs in Parliament do not. 

I pledge that if elected I will diligently follow these Seven Principles which are: 

  1. Selflessness
  2. Integrity
  3. Objectivity
  4. Accountability
  5. Openness
  6. Honesty
  7. Leadership

1. Selflessness

I commit to performing all duties in the public interest and I will not allow personal interests to cloud my judgment.

2. Integrity

While working in business, all employees were required to sign "Business Conduct Guidelines" which specifically forbade the taking of bribes or any inducements of any kind to influence decisions.  I would ensure that there are no conflicts of interests in the decisions I make.  I am standing on the principles of Honesty and Integrity.

3. Objectivity

When making decisions, I will always base decisions impartially and solely on merit.  For employment, the decision would be based on the best person for the job irrespective of gender, race, skin colour, political belief etc.  For supplier contracts, my decisions will always be based on the best value for money and I would refuse any donations contingent otherwise on the placement of contracts.

4. Accountability

Accountability for decisions made is vital whether in personal or public life, and I would be completely open to scrutiny of decisions I make.

5. Openness

Openness is a topic that many politicians completely fail on and I commit to answering questions of policy in an open and honest manner. 

Here is an example of a Conservative politician evading questions, as they so often do. 

My answers to the questions are:

1. Net Zero by 2030, Yes or No? Net Zero is something we should aim for when it is affordable.  We do not have cost-effective technology to achieve this objective now, so the answer is NO

2. Should we ban diesels and petrols in 2030, Yes or No? When we have a cheap reliable energy source and alternative electric or hydrogen cars that are viable, then we should consider banning them.  2030 is not the time, so the answer is NO.

3. Do you support the Rwanda Plan, Yes or No?  We need to find a way to halt illegal entry into the UK from dinghies across the Channel; the way to stop this is to turn back the dinghies, and exit conventions as necessary.  The Rwanda plan is inappropriate and too expensive for taxpayers, so the answer is NO.

4. Should we rejoin the EU, Yes or No?  In 2016, the Country held a referendum on membership, and the result was a vote to leave the EU.  I believe that Britain is a global player and is better suited to strike own deals and set its own laws without being dictated to by the EU, so the answer is NO.

5. Does a woman have a penis, Yes or No? Your sex is determined by your chromosomes.  A male has XY chromosomes and consequently has a penis.  A female has XX chromosomes and does not have a penis, so the answer is NO.

5. Gay Marriage, Yes or No?  Simple answer is YES.

6. Should we leave the ECHR, Yes or No?  We do not need a foreign court to determine human rights; we should develop a UK statement of Human Rights and leave the ECHR, so the answer is YES.

7. Were the Tories wrong to get rid of Boris. Yes or No?  Boris broadcast the COVID19 rules that we were all charged with following, but he and other Tories broke their own rules, so, Boris should have gone, so the answer is NO.

6. Honesty

I believe in being truthful.  We all make mistakes, and I believe it is far better to own up to mistakes and apologise than to deny real events happened.  I draw a parallel to a company that makes an error, immediately apologies, and then makes good - organisations with that culture are respected by me.

7. Leadership

Everyone in public office should respect others and support their principles and challenge unacceptable behaviour.  

Throughout my life, I've always stuck to my principles, even if it means I suffer a financial loss, this allows me to sleep easily at night knowing that I am true to my word and have done my best.